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Cub Scout Pack 2020
(Atlanta, Georgia)
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The Award Winning Pack 2020 of A.Philip Randolph

The Annual Pinewood Derby

Remember, Cubs are to "Do your Best", so if you participated,
your a winner!!!


Pack 2020 A.Philip Randolph 

Congratulations to the Pack's Derby winners!
2nd place Wolf, Best Design, Best Paint Job, 2nd place Bear

NASCAR, "Oh excuse me," I mean "The track at Greenbriar!"   



Annual Popcorn Drive



Christopher Stephens of Pack 2020 is 1 of 45 scouts recognized by The Atlanta Area Council for selling more than $2,500.00 in popcorn this scout year at The Hawks vs The 76ers Game.


Top popcorn seller's, David, Christopher, Julian, and Ryan with Ms. Glynn, Principal of  A. Phillip Randolph Elementary School.

Pack 2020's top popcorn sellers.